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◆◆◆ 人気の市場調査レポート ◆◆◆

  • 脊椎固定のグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Spine Fixation market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Spine Fixation volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report re …
  • エポキシ塗料のグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Epoxy Paint market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Epoxy Paint volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report represen …
  • 治療ワクチンのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Therapeutic Vaccines market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Therapeutic Vaccines volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, th …
  • 高級壁紙のグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Luxury Wallpaper market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Luxury Wallpaper volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this repor …
  • 屋根防水コーティングのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Roof Waterproof Coating market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Roof Waterproof Coating volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspecti …
  • レガッタブイのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Regatta Buoys market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Regatta Buoys volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report repr …
  • ヒューズスイッチ断路器のグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Fused Switch Disconnectors market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Fused Switch Disconnectors volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global per …
  • 防水バッグのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Waterproof Bags market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Waterproof Bags volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report …
  • 自動車用ホイールハブモーターのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Automobile Wheel Hub Motor market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Automobile Wheel Hub Motor volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global per …
  • ゼオライトベータのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Zeolite beta market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Zeolite beta volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report repres …
  • ストレッチおよびシュリンクスリーブパッケージのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Stretch and Shrink Sleeves Packaging market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Stretch and Shrink Sleeves Packaging volume and value at global level, regional level and company leve …
  • フェイスメイクのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Face Makeup market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Face Makeup volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report represen …
  • サービスとしての決済のグローバル市場:規模・現状・予測2019-2025
    The payment service provider uses the software as a service model widely. A payment service provider connects to multiple banks, cards, and payment networks.In 2018, the global Payment as a Service market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a C …
  • 無水二塩基性リン酸カルシウムのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Anhydrous Dibasic Calcium Phospate market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Anhydrous Dibasic Calcium Phospate volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. F …
  • エトキシレートのグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Ethoxylates market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Ethoxylates volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report represen …
  • ポジトロン放出断層撮影(PET)装置のグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Systems market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Systems volume and value at global level, regional level and …
  • 世界の3Dプリントエレクトロニクス市場規模・現状・予測(2021年-2027年)
    3D Printed Electronics are electronics made using 3D printing technology. Market Analysis and Insights: Global 3D Printed Electronics Market The global 3D Printed Electronics market size is projected to reach US$ 1015 million by 2027, from US$ 204.1 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 25.2% during 2021-20 …
  • 細胞溶解および破壊のグローバル市場:規模・現状・予測2019-2025
    Lysis refers to the breaking down of the membrane of a cell, often by viral, enzymic, or osmotic mechanisms that compromise its integrity. A fluid containing the contents of lysed cells is called a lysate. Cell disruption is a method or process for releasing biological molecules from inside a cell.T …
  • 自動車用試験・検査・認証(TIC)のグローバル市場:規模・現状・予測2019-2025
    Automotive testing, inspection and certification (TIC) include quality and safety controls through conformityassessments. These include supply chain certifications, industrial site inspections, product testing,management system auditing and certification, periodic car inspections, pre-shipment inspe …
  • 靴箱のグローバル市場調査 2019年
    The global Shoe Rack market was valued at million US$ in 2018 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2019-2025. This report focuses on Shoe Rack volume and value at global level, regional level and company level. From a global perspective, this report represents o …
  • 電気自動車充電器のグローバル市場2021
    The electric car charger is charging for different kinds of new energy electric vehicles, its function is similar to the gas station inside the tanker, it usually have two kinds in charging manner classification, AC and DC. Alternate current electric car charger is relative cheaper than the direct c …
  • 自動真空熱成形機のグローバル市場2021
    Thermoforming is a manufacturing process where a plastic sheet is heated to a pliable forming temperature, formed to a specific shape in a mold, and trimmed to create a usable product. The thermoforming machine is a machine for deep-drawing a thermoplastic sheet-like material under heating condition …
  • 世界の直腸がん治療薬市場規模・現状・予測(2021年-2027年)
    Rectal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the rectum. Market Analysis and Insights: Global Rectal Cancer Therapeutics Market The global Rectal Cancer Therapeutics market size is projected to reach US$ XX million by 2027, from US$ XX million in 2020, at a CAG …
  • 疎水剤のグローバル市場2021
    Hydrophobic agents are surface protection materials capable of increasing the angle of contact between the water and the concrete surface. Market Analysis and Insights: Global Hydrophobic Agent Market The global Hydrophobic Agent market was valued at US$ 324.6 in 2020 and will reach US$ 396.7 millio …
  • 世界のトライ定格ケーブル産業調査2019-2025
    The Tri-Rated Cables market was valued at xx Million US$ in 2018 and is projected to reach xx Million US$ by 2025, at a CAGR of xx% during the forecast period. In this study, 2018 has been considered as the base year and 2019 to 2025 as the forecast period to estimate the market size for Tri-Rated C …

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